The Marriage of Karo People, Indonesia university of North Sumatera (Published)
This research paper entitled The Marriage of Karo People, was a research result conducted in North Sumatra, Indonesia by using Field Research Method. Sources of data amounted to thirty-six people, selected two people from each village of Karo society. The villages in the regencies of Karo were Mardinding, Cingkes, and Basam; Deli Serdang were Sibirik, Penen, and Bukum; Langkat were Bahorok, Marike, and Telagah; Pakpak were Tigalingga, Lau Meciho, and Naga; Simalungun were Rakut Besi, Seribu Dolok, and Sari Padang; Aceh Tenggara were Lau Deski, Lau Pakam, and Lau Perbunga. Aditional data was also provided by the author for the author is also often participated as a facilitator for marriage ceremonies. There are different types of marriage systems in Karo society, seven are real marriages and one is pretended marriage. The real marriages are as follows: Kawin Lari, Jumpa Impal, arranged, religious marriage in both Islam and Christianity, Gancih Abu, and Lako Man; and Mukul is a Pretended Marriage, Cabur bulung is the marriage of minors which means that the groom and the bride are children.
Keywords: Karo People, Marriage, and Dowry