British Journal of Education (BJE)

EA Journals

Constraints Towards the Efficacy of Competency Based Curriculum Implementation in Kenya, A Case Study of Chesumei Sub-County, Kenya


The current study was set to find out the challenges affecting the efficacy of implementation of Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC). The study focused on availability of teaching and learning materials, teaching staff preparedness in competency Based Curriculum pedagogy, policy framework and learner assessment. The study was necessitated by public outcry over mismatch in policy formulation and curriculum implementation. Mixed methodological approach involving both qualitative and quantitative methods were used. Questionnaires and class observations were used. Forty-Five schools were randomly selected to participate in the study. The head teacher of the school and one teacher per school in the selected schools were allowed to respond to the questionnaire. Document analysis was done to ascertain level of learner assessment. The findings shows that the implementation of CBC still faces some constrains like inadequate resources, incompetency among teachers and lack of clear policies to guide the assessment of learners.

Keywords: competency based curriculum, learner assessment and CBC pedagogy., teacher preparedness

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