British Journal of Education (BJE)

EA Journals

The Role of Teachers in Improving Students’ Cognitive Competency in Islamic Education Subjects Through Recitation Method


This study discusses the role of teachers in improving students’ cognitive competency in Islamic education lessons through the recitation method. This study uses qualitative methods, and the data was gathered through field observation, in-depth interviews, and written document analysis. Direct observation was conducted during the teaching and learning process, while in-depth interviews were carried out with teachers and students. Document analysis was conducted to see teaching material preparation and student learning performance scores. The results of this study show that the teacher’s role in improving students’ cognitive abilities in Islamic religious education subjects through the recitation method has been well implemented in every meeting. The teacher’s role includes the use of the recitation method in every meeting of Islamic religious lessons. The impact of using the recitation method can improve students’ cognitive abilities in mastering Islamic religious subject matter. Besides that, students’ motivation and interest in studying Islam are also improving because the recitation method gives them the freedom to master Islamic religious education material. In conclusion, the recitation method is very suitable for learning Islamic religion because it is related to mastering the verses of the Koran and hadith. For this reason, teachers and Islamic education institutions need to think about applying the recitation method in Islamic religious learning when the material is mostly related to the Al-Quran and hadith.

Keywords: Islamic Education, Students, Teaching, cognitive competency, recitation method

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