British Journal of Education (BJE)

EA Journals

: Teaching practice

Evaluation of Teaching Practice: Assessment of the Dimensionality of the Intern Teaching Evaluation Form (ITEF) (Published)

This study aimed at investigating the dimensionality of the Intern Teaching Evaluation Form (ITEF), which is an observation instrument used in the evaluation of teaching practice at a public university in Ghana. The instrument was used to assess the teaching skills of a group of interns across three lessons. Data were obtained over a three-year period from 2016/2017 to 2018/2019 academic years during the Students Internship Programme (SIP) of the university. Part of the overall aim was to find the score stability (reliability) of the ITEF when it is used to evaluate teaching skill. A random effect two facets fully crossed design where intern (t) was crossed with item (i) and lesson (l), given by (t×i×l) was adopted for the dimensionality investigation. Further, a random effect one-facet fully crossed design, where inter (t) was crossed with lesson (l), given by (t×l) was adopted for the reliability investigation. The sample sizes for the study were 9132 undergraduate bachelor’s degree ITEF triplicate scores for the reliability investigation and 50 ITEF triplicate scores for the dimensionality investigation, selected by purposive and simple random sampling methods respectively. Univariate generalisability analysis using EduG was performed to analyse data. Findings were that, the ITEF is not unidimensional, but highly reliable (strongly stable) across the delivery of three lessons. Caution should be exercised in taking the ITEF scores as unidimensional in running correlational analyses with other criteria, unless this is done only from the perspective of ‘use,’ which should be one of the important considerations in instrument design.

Keywords: : Teaching practice, Reliability, dimensionality

Teachers Perception Towards Effectiveness of Teaching Practice in Improving Student Teachers Teaching Skills in Monduli District, Tanzania (Published)

The study investigated teachers’ perception towards effectiveness of teaching practices in improving student teachers teaching skills in Monduli District Tanzania. The study used Social change theory developed by Anthony Smith’s in 1973.The study adopted a convergent design under the mixed methods. The target population was 691 of public primary school teachers found in Monduli District, Tanzania that covered 63 public primary schools. The sample drawn from the target population was 6 head of schools and 94 public primary school teachers which taken from 6 primary schools through stratified and simple random sampling equivalent to 12.5% (Ogula, 2009). The self-administered questionnaires used for data collection from sampled participants. Additionally, reliability coefficient was calculated using Cronbach’s Alpha with acceptable scale of 0.78 and data was analyzed using means, frequencies, and percentages and presented in table form with the aid of Statistic Package of Social Science Version25. The qualitative data were summarized, coded, analyzed and presented in narration form according to the themes generated from research question. The findings of study revealed that, majority of teachers had positive perception towards teaching practice in improving teaching skills, which concluded that teaching practice is essential to student teachers in equipped with sufficient teaching skills like in harmonize theory and practice, learning life skills around community and also practice communication skills that enabled in development of teaching competence in their profession. Also, minority of teachers had negative perception on teaching practice which student teachers failed to demonstrate teaching skills such as dealing with teaching challenges and use of appropriate communication skills. The study recommended that colleges should continue emphasize student teachers to harmonize theory and practice during teaching practice to acquire skills necessary in teaching profession. The school should give priority on school leadership and management duties so that student teachers to be able to acquire leadership and management skills.

Nemburis Laizer; Bahiya Abdi; Kezia J. Mashingia (2022) Teachers Perception Towards Effectiveness of Teaching Practice in Improving Student Teachers Teaching Skills in Monduli District, Tanzania, British Journal of Education, Vol.10, Issue 12, pp.77-89

Keywords: : Teaching practice, Student Teachers, Teaching Skills

Evaluating the Teaching Practice Component of the Teacher Education Programme in Higher Education: A Case of Kabarak University, Kenya (Published)

This study was meant to evaluate the Teaching Practice (TP) component of the teacher training programme at Kabarak University. It sought to determine Kabarak University teacher trainees’ perceptions about teaching practice. The specific objectives were to describe nature of teaching practice preparation as perceived by the Kabarak University student-teachers, and to determine the difference on perception about TP based on the areas of specialisation. The study employed a descriptive survey research design. Simple random and stratified sampling was used to select 110 student-teachers who had completed teaching practice. An online questionnaire with open ended and closed ended items was used to collect data. The results showed that both B.Ed Arts and Science students had moderate perception about TP preparation at Kabarak University School of Education while perception about TP was low among the B.Ed Science students but moderate among B.Ed Arts students. The study further found out no statistical differences in perception about TP preparation and actual TP experiences between B.Ed Arts and B.Ed Science students.

Keywords: : Teaching practice, Student Teachers, perceptions about teaching, teaching practice preparation

Challenges Encountered by Student Teachers in Practicing Teaching (Published)

This study investigated the challenges encountered by student teachers during their teaching practice. The sample of the study comprised 4 supervisors and 12 student teachers enrolled in the final semester in the Faculty of Education at Tripoli University. The student teachers studied different content and method courses during their studying journey in the college and did some micro teaching as a prerequisite for the teaching practice. A questionnaire and a semi-structured interview were employed for data collection.  Data analysis revealed that although there was a noticeable application of what they had studied in the college, some remarkable challenges were found. For instance, lack of cooperation between the student teachers and school principal and cooperative teachers, lack of confidence, lack of classroom management skills, little guidance, and support from the part of the supervisors. Finally, the study provided several suggestions that could help eradicate or at least minimize the effect of these challenges on the quality of teaching practice. 

Keywords: : Teaching practice, Challenges, student teacher

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