British Journal of Education (BJE)

EA Journals

Senior Secondary Schools

School Location as a Correlate of Senior Secondary School Students’ Achievement in Reading Comprehension in the English Language in Ebonyi State (Published)

This study considered school location as one of the correlates of Reading Comprehension achievement in senior secondary schools in Ebonyi State of Nigeria. The design adopted for this study was correlation research design. Location as a variable was correlated with students’ achievement in reading comprehension in English. Two purposes of study and two research questions were formulated to guide the study, namely: to establish the relationship between urban school students’ attitude and their reading comprehension achievement in English in Ebonyi state, and to determine the relationship between rural school students’ attitude and their reading comprehension achievement in English in Ebonyi State. Two null hypotheses were also tested. Research questions were answered using coefficient of correlation, while hypotheses were tested at an alpha level of 0.05, using step-wise linear regression. Results showed that the coefficient of correlation between urban students’ attitude and their achievement was 0.84 which falls within 0.80 – 1.00 and showed a very high positive relationship. This indicated there was a relationship between urban students’ attitude and their reading comprehension achievement. Result also showed a medium positive relationship between rural students’ attitude and their reading comprehension achievement. Based on these results, recommendations were made among which was that Government should device a policy that would encourage qualified English language teachers to accept posting to rural schools. To make this gesture attractively workable, government should give monetary incentive to these English language teachers, especially those that accept posting to rural schools.

Keywords: Academic Achievement, Correlation, English Language, Reading Comprehension, School Location, Senior Secondary Schools

Comparative Study of the Administrative Process of Public and Private Senior Secondary Schools in Bauchi State (Published)

The study is investigating “Comparative Study of the Administrative Process of Public and Private Senior Secondary Schools in Bauchi State’’. The aim of the study was to compare the extent of coverage of the administrative process in senior secondary school between privately owned schools (private schools) and Government owned schools (public schools) in Bauchi State. It was designed to survey the administrative process in line with UNESCO (1985) six administrative processes propounded by Henri Fayol called Fayolism or theory of administration, for the school administrators. Six research questions guided the study; while six hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance. This study adopted the Descriptive Survey Design, Cronbach Alpha coefficient reliability of 0.80 estimated as the consistency reliability of the questionnaire. A 36 item questionnaire was used to extract information from 171 respondents, made up of 105 principals, 31 administrative officer and 35 senior teachers, which constituted the sample. Data was analysed using Mean and T-test as statistical tools. Result of the study revealed that (i) the grand mean LE=4.045 of the planning process of public and private schools has no significant difference (ii) the organizing process of public and private schools with a grand mean of LE=3.605, (iii) there is no significant difference in the staffing process of public and private senior secondary schools, though the administrative process of staffing receives the least attention in the administrative processes with a grand mean of a ME=3.375;(iv) the directing process has a grand mean LE=3.5;(v) the coordinating process LE=3.61;(vi) while the evaluating process was at a grand mean of LE=3.84. contrary to previous assumption, the null hypothesis which was accepted and alternative was rejected showing to a large extent, secondary school administrators in Bauchi carry out administrative processes in line with known practices and are similar to both public and private schools; It was recommended among others that: school administrators should seek to improve on their administrative processes; and administrators of public schools and private schools should accept one another, there should be more emphasis on the staffing in schools.

Keywords: Bauchi state, Comparative study, Private, Senior Secondary Schools, administrative process, public

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