British Journal of Education (BJE)

EA Journals

school adjustment

Influence of SMS Communications in enhancing School Adjustment of 1st year University Undergraduates: University of Port Harcourt Experience (Published)

This study examined the influence of SMS communication in enhancing school the adjustment of 1st year undergraduate students of the University of Port Harcourt. The 105 Year one education students of 2016/ 2017 session in the department of curriculum Studies and Educational Technology of the University of Port Harcourt Nigeria constituted the population of the study.  The design of the study was descriptive survey and the instrument for data collection was questionnaires. Data was analyzed using percentages.  The results of the study showed among other things that first-year undergraduate students of the above department under study face challenges during their transiting year and SMS messages from their lecturers and academic advisors influenced their school adjustment. The researchers recommended that university of Port Harcourt and other universities in Nigeria should make use of the opportunities provided by SMS to support their 1st year students during their transition process.

Keywords: SMS, academic texting, mobile phones, school adjustment

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