British Journal of Education (BJE)

EA Journals

Kyambogo university

The Influence of Technology Applications Use on the Research Competence of Lecturers of Kyambogo University (Published)

This study examined the influence of technology applications use on the research competence of lecturers of Kyambogo University. Using a correlational research design, data was collected from 192 teaching staff. The data were for descriptive statistics and structural equation modelling. Descriptive results revealed that technology applications use among lecturers was high. Findings also revealed that perceived ease of technology applications use had a positive and significant influence on research competence of lecturers, behavioural intention had a positive but insignificant influence on research competence of lecturers. Perceived use of technology applications had a negative and insignificant influence on research competence. The three constructs of technology applications use explained 50.5% of the variation in research competence of lecturers. Therefore, technology applications use is crucial in enhancing research competence of lecturers. University managers should engage the teaching staff in capacity building programmes in technology applications use most especially in research activities.

Keywords: Kyambogo university, research competence, technology applications, technology applications use

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