intelligence test Archives - British Journal of Education (BJE)

British Journal of Education (BJE)

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intelligence test

Revalidation of the Reynolds Adaptable Intelligence Tests-Nonverbal (RAIT-NV), (Published)

The study focused on the Revalidation of Reynolds Adaptable Intelligence Test (RAIT-NV) in Nigeria. The study used the triangulation research design. Four research questions guided the study. A sample of 2120 students was randomly drawn using multistage sampling techniques from a population of 14,107,456 of all the undergraduate, secondary and upper primary students in Nigeria. The instrument for the data collection is Reynolds Adaptable Intelligence Test (RAIT-NV). RAIT-NV reliability coefficient was 0.92 using Cronbach Alpha and the construct validity was 0.88. To answer the four research questions, data generated were analyzed using The X-Calibre 4.2, EIRT, SPSS, Microsoft excel.  Result showed that RAIT-NV item difficulty graduates from very easy to very difficult. RAIT-NV items were able to discriminate between examinee high and those low on the trait been measured. RAIT-NV had satisfactory factor structure. Classification and Description of RAIT-NV scale was established in Nigeria. The finding of the study showed that using CTT in revalidation of instrument provide reliable and valid instrument for measuring intelligence. Based on the findings, it was recommended among others that relevant educational agencies, should always determine the factor structures of any instrument they are revalidating for measuring intelligence

Keywords: Reynolds adaptable intelligence test-nonverbal (RAIT-NV), intelligence test