British Journal of Education (BJE)

EA Journals

Human Capital Development

Human Capital Development: A Driver for Educational Improvement in Nigeria (Published)

This article explored the potential of human capital development as a driving force for educational improvement in Nigeria. The analysis delved into the fundamental principles of education, human capital development, and how the synergy between these elements can foster improvements in the Nigerian educational landscape. The implications for education are manifold, with a particular focus on the importance of providing practical training, enhancing infrastructure, and implementing effective workforce planning to mitigate issues of unemployment and underemployment. The paper concluded by advocating for a collaborative effort between the government and curriculum developers to equip students with the necessary skills and independence for sustainable educational growth in Nigeria. Furthermore, it emphasized the critical aspects of quality education and human development, including equity, contextualization, child-centered teaching, and sustainability, as essential components for ensuring the longevity of the education system in Nigeria.


Keywords: : Human Capital, Education, Educational Improvement, Human Capital Development, Sustainability

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