British Journal of Education (BJE)

EA Journals

Educational thought of Confucian school.

A Study of the Educational Thought of Choosing Friends in the Ancient Chinese Literature “Book of Rites – Record on the Subject of Education” (Published)

In the “Record on the Subject of Education”, choosing friends was listed as one of the important educational indicators. It is meaningful in modern education and thus requires further research and discussion. With respect to this, this study used a qualitative research method to analyse the implications from the “Record on the Subject of Education” related to the education of choosing friends. The research results illustrate the analyses of and interpretations of the implications regarding choosing friends. This study expected to make contributions to the field of education by guiding them to pay more attention to the value and practice concerning the education of choosing friends.

Keywords: Ancient Chinese educational thought, Education of choosing friends, Educational thought of Confucian school., “Book of Rites-Record on the Subject of Education”

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