British Journal of Education (BJE)

EA Journals


Students Perception of the Impact of Gender on Students’ Academic Performance at Post-Secondary Education: The Case of Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT) Kaduna (Published)

The research examined student perception of the impact of gender on their academic performance at the Nigerian Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT) Kaduna from 2021 to 2022. One research question and questionnaire named the Gender and Academic Performance Scale (GAPS) guided the study. This is an ex-post-factor research design with a target population of 2089 AFIT degree undergraduates in four faculties where proportionate sampling techniques were used in drawing 210 students (respondents) based on a convenience approach, and only 145 of the GAPS were retrieved. The reliability and validity of the GAPS were ascertained with internal consistency Cronbach alpha values of 0.88. Statistical methods used were frequencies and independent t-tests. The results showed that female students outperform male students in AFIT. One of the recommendations was that AFIT should adhere strictly to an inclusive and diverse screening merit-based admission policy of students rather than on “gender biases”.

Keywords: : Academic Performance, AFIT, Gender, post-secondary education

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