British Journal of Education (BJE)

EA Journals

An Evaluation of the Writing Tasks within “English for Me” Omani Textbook: A Book Review


Acknowledging the crucial role that writing tasks play in developing curriculum and fostering language skills, this study sets out to evaluate an English skills book utilized in the public schools of the Sultanate of Oman, particularly targeting eighth-grade students. The study used an in-depth analysis of the writing exercises within the book, employing eight evaluation criteria derived from existing literature. The primary discovery from this research is the book’s adept incorporation of impactful writing exercises, employing modals, genre and process approaches. Nevertheless, the findings suggest certain limitations of the book, such as its failure to integrate writing activities with other skills like speaking, listening, and reading, its neglect of the specific types and themes of writing questions in exams, and its minimal emphasis on the appropriate level of formality in the activities.

Keywords: Evaluation, Textbook, writing tasks

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